Authored Texts

After Eden: The Double Identity of Carbon

The Cultures of Entanglement: On Nonhuman Life Forms in Contemporary Art

Axis of Observation II: Frank Gillette

Axis of Observation I: Frank Gillette

Antennae 10 A Decade of Art and the Non-Human 07-17

Institutional Critique to Hospitality: Bio Art Practice Now. A Critical Anthology

Naturally Hypernatural I: Concepts of Nature

The Glass Veil: Seven Adventures in Wonderland
Antennae: Naturally Hypernatural I

Antennae: Naturally Hypernatural II

Bio Art: Altered Realities

The Greening of the Galaxy

Bio Art. The beginnings and the ends of Bio Art
Impact 8. University of Dundee

Embodied Fantasies: From Awe to Artifice

The Extant Vamp (or the) Ire of It All

Fundamentally Human. Contemporary Art and Neuroscience

Social Text. Specimens as Spectacles: Reframing Fetal Remains

The Glass Veil. Habitus in Habitat I, Emotion and Motion

Prime Objects and Body Doubles

Science and Society: Neuroculture Nature Reviews Neuroscience

Visual Culture and Bioscience: Issues in Cultural Theory, No. 12
The Handbook of Genetics & Society Mapping the New Genomic Era

Altering Nature. Volume One: Concepts of ‘Nature’ and ‘The Natural’ in Biotechnology Debates
Art Schools: A Group Crit
The Molecular Gaze: Art in the Genetic Age

The Influence of Genetics on Contemporary Art

Mothers of Invention
Cellular Archeology